The Kindlers are volunteers who aim to deepen the spiritual life of Quaker groups by facilitating reflective workshops, and publishing.
Our workshops address topics such as Meeting for Worship (silent and vocal ministry); community life; using our gifts; finding our spiritual path; prayer; connecting with that of God in everyone. The Kindlers have over 15 years of experience of offering these topics and adapting them to meet the needs of local groups. Our workshops are inclusive, welcoming and creative. They provide a space for exploration and deep sharing in an atmosphere of openness and trust. We believe in the power of that of God within all of us to revive our spiritual life and ignite new insights for faith and practice. We hope that by supporting groups and individuals we will help re-kindle the Quaker flame.
We are always looking for new volunteers to join our friendly and supportive team. If you’d like to find out more, we’d love to hear from you; please see the ‘Joining’ page for further details.
To book a workshop, please see the ‘Bookings’ page.
Kindlers from across the UK gathered in York at the end of August for team development and spiritual reflection. This was a valuable opportunity to share ideas for new workshops, as well as deepen our practice and strengthen relationships. The event was kindly hosted by Acomb Meeting, York.
The Kindlers grew out of the lively and inspiring Quaker Quest workshops, designed for people interested in finding out about the Quaker faith. But having perhaps joined a local Quaker meeting, would new Quakers continue to find the vision and inspiration they experienced in the Quaker Quest events?
Around 15 years ago Alec Davison from North West London Area Meeting and a few others conceived and offered day workshops for Quakers, addressing their search for meaning and depth in Meeting for Worship, which have been running ever since. During the pandemic requests for workshops declined though some were given online.
Since 2022 local and area Meetings have once more requested workshops and the small team has begun to gather new members. In addition to running workshops, we continue to publish booklets on a wide range of topics.
The Kindlers are a Quaker Recognised Body, so operate with the blessing of Britain Yearly Meeting (BYM). However, we do not receive any funding from BYM. At Yearly Meeting Kindlers can usually be seen at the Groups Fair and offering short workshops. If you are attending BYM and want to know more about what we do, please come over and say hello.