
The Kindlers have written a wide variety of booklets which provide an opportunity to explore workshop themes further, or discover new topics. 

All our booklets can be ordered from the Quaker Bookshop

We've listed them in alphabetical order below and added direct links for each, so it's easy for you to find what you want. 

In 2024 we published two new booklets which you can find out more about in the New Publications section below. 


New Publications

We published two new booklets in June 2024:

Quaker Worship: Reflections and Explorations by James McCarthy


The Kindness of Presence: Revisiting the Bible with an Open Heart and Mind by Peter Parr

These are available from the Quaker Bookshop. Meanwhile, like most of our books. they can be ordered from us at


Booklet List

Answering that of God: discovering Spirit within by Peter Parr. 

Breakthrough to Unity: The Quaker Way held within the mystic traditions by Roswitha Jarman. 

But Who do you Say that I am? Quakers and Christ today by Douglas Gwyn.

Explorations: discovering a spiritual way by Judith Fullard Smith.

Journeying the Heartlands: Exploring spiritual practices of Quaker worship by Elizabeth Brown and Alec Davison (eds.)

Listening as Quaker Practice: Enhancing community, worship and witness by James McCarthy.

Living Adventurously: Experiencing Quaker Testimonies in Spirit and in the World by David Brown and Rosemary Brown. 

Love Growing in us: Questioning the Quaker peace testimony by John Lampen.

Quaker Worship: Reflections and Explorations by James McCarthy

Seen and Unseen: Ways of being along Quaker and Buddhist paths by Peter Jarman.

Signposts: Quakers exploring Interfaith by Eva Tucker and Stephanie Ramamurthy.

The Kindness of Presence: Revisiting the Bible with an Open Heart and Mind by Peter Parr

The Power we call God: towards a global understanding: Quaker threshings by Frank Parkinson.

This I Warn You in Love: Witness of some early Quaker women by Catie Gill and Elaine Hobby.

Through us not from us: Vocal ministry and Quaker worship by Rex Ambler, Alec Davison, Janet Scott and Michael Wright.

Travelling in the Light: How Margaret Fell's writings can speak to Quakers today by Joanna Godfrey Wood.

Visioning new fire: working for Quaker renewal  Conference inputs and outcomes.

What does Love require of us? Quaker promptings towards love in action by David Brown.

Why Silence? Revisiting the foundations of Quaker worship by Brian Holley.